EP 186: How To Find The Right Treatment For Sex Addiction: Logan Hufford Part Two

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 33:49 — 31.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWelcome back to Part Two with my guest Logan Hufford who continues his story of recovering from his sex addiction that nearly destroyed him and his marriage. He answers why his wife didn’t leave him, even though she had every right to. He …

EP 183: Does God Still Perform Miracle Through Us? Dr. David Chotka Part One

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 32:45 — 30.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have Dave Chotka today, and he reached out to me, to come on the podcast and talk about, his background, his story growing up with an alcoholic father and, grandparents who were not believers. He was a pastor and, he has a …

EP 182: Tools For Those Triggers: Tiffany Owen Part Two

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 25:01 — 22.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More Welcome back to Part Two of my conversation with Tiffany Owen! We will talk about how to deal with those pesky triggers that all survivors have to deal with, hear the rest of her journey, and how you can get a copy …

EP 180: Resources For Survivors With Disabilities: Win Charles Part Two

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 35:16 — 32.3MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are continuing with my exciting conversation with my new friend, Win Charles. She is a person with Cerebral Palsy, and she is an abuse survivor, And you heard some of her story last time. Today on Part 2, She has been victorious …

EP 179: Abusers and People with Disabilities: Win Charles Part One

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 28:01 — 25.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More What would you do if you had a physical or mental disability and you’re being abused? You have no resources or support. You’re dependent on people to help you and instead they take advantage of you and abuse you. Domestic violence and …

EP 173: Grief and Hope Can Reside In The Same Heart: Kelly Hall Part Two

Diana WinklerChristianity

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:58 — 33.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are back with Part Two of Kelly Hall’s story, talking about her journey as a military wife, a mom with 4 children, 3 of which are deaf. Find out what happened when the faith community told her it was wrong of her …

EP 171:The Responsibility Of The Church: Tina Smith Part Two

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 31:00 — 28.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe’re back with Part two of my conversation with Tina Smith talking about the responsibility of the churches to help victims of abuse in their congregation. To purchase her book Renewing Our Minds in Love: Amazon. ca if you’re in Canada Amazon. com …

EP 170: How Can Church Leaders Help Abuse Survivors? Tina Smith Part One

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 25:55 — 23.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More“When a spiritual environment changes, lives are saved.” That phrase is at the heart of Tina’s life as well as her book “Renewing Our Minds in Love: Integrating Neuroscience and Scripture for Wholeness and Healing.” As a psychotherapist and debut author, Tina Smith …

EP 164: When Your Friends Call You A Sinner: Job Part Five

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 37:21 — 34.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe’re talking about Bildad, Job’s rotten friend #2 on this week’s episode. Bildad isn’t much better as a friend than Eliphaz is. We have Job’s agony and roller-coaster ride of emotions from the abuse from his friend and God’s silence. Hear Job’s response …

EP 163: When Your Friends Are Unsupportive: Job Part 4

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 31:36 — 28.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreIn our continuing series of Job, we meet Job’s first rotten friend, who does nothing to support him or comfort him. Only to abuse him. What is Job’s response to this treatment? What should our response be? Join us for Part 4! Link …

EP 159: You Don’t Have To Hate Yourself Anymore: Marina Carrier Part 2

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 25:24 — 23.3MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More Part Two! As a trauma survivor, and current minister who helps women overcome obstacles to faith, I’m passionate about the message that God has put on my heart: in our deepest darkness, we find the greatest light through His Spirit. Over the …

EP 157: Hope and Healing For Native Peoples: Dr Steven Tracy

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:42 — 52.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreYou hear me talking about Mending The Soul all the time, but hearing all about it from the very founder of the ministry a treat. We have Dr Steven Tracy on the show for the third time, talking about more resources, more stories …

EP 155: Missionaries to Survivors of Sex Trafficking: Dave and Bobbie Ebert

Diana Winklersexual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:18 — 45.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More Reverends Dave and Bobbie Ebert are on a unique mission to minister to survivors of sex trafficking using the power of improv comedy. With their help, survivors find their voice, tap into their creativity, improve communication, and rediscover confidence. As US missionaries, …

EP 153: The Push and Pull of a Romantic Relationship with a Narcissist: Dana Diaz

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:07:03 — 61.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreDana S. Diaz is a wife, mother, and author of the best-selling book GASPING FOR AIR: THE STRANGLEHOLD OF NARCISSISTIC ABUSE. Dana has had life-long experience with narcissistic abuse, beginning in childhood. Her education in journalism and psychology at DePaul University in Chicago …

EP 152: How To Break Harmful Patterns So You Can Thrive: Derick Johnson

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:04:06 — 58.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreDerick is mixed and growing up in the south, he saw hate from both sides but used it as fuel along with the dark upbringing in a home of alcoholism and rage. Derick used fitness as an escape and quickly was able to …

EP 151: How Do You Find The Words To Describe Your Trauma? Mark McNear

Diana Winklersexual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 33:58 — 31.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreMany survivors suffer unspeakable abuse in their childhood and never tell another soul about it. It is very common to not have the words to even describe what happened to their bodies, their minds, and emotions. My guest Mark McNear is here to …

I Was a Guest On Murder, Blood, & Psychopaths Podcast

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

I had a great time as a guest on Eileen Santos’ podcast! We talked about the similarities of our abuse stories, narcissism, emotional and spiritual abuse. Eileen’s podcast is a True Crime podcast. Be sure to check out the rest of her excellent guests on the show! Listen to the episode here below! https://sites.libsyn.com/413645/site/episode-48-interview-diana-winkler Eileen Santos can be reached at mbpatpodcast.eandj@gmail.com or …

EP 150: The Healing Power of Writing: Kiesa Kay

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 53:30 — 49.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWriting your story can be a huge tool for healing from abuse. My guest Kiesa Kay talks about her new writing workshop series for abuse survivors that is free to join! We have a wonderful conversation talking about her children’s books, poetry, and …

EP 144: What Is Deconstruction? Part One

Diana WinklerChristianity

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:15 — 56.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe’re talking about deconstruction, what it is and why survivors choose to go down that road. We discuss many reasons that people give for abandoning their faith or turning their backs on God altogether. We’ll be exploring in a non judgmental, compassionate way, …

EP 142: Trafficked Three Times: Amanda Blackwood

Diana Winklersexual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:06 — 55.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More What do you think of when you hear the words “human trafficking”? Far away Asian countries? Young women? Kid knapping by strangers? Amanda Blackwood is my guest this week to dispel all these incorrect assumptions and define what trafficking really is. She …

EP 137: The Great Faith Of Abraham And Isaac

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 24:54 — 22.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are discussing the story of Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac on this week’s show. Is there another perspective on this difficult narrative? Is Abraham a horrible parent? Why would God ask them to do this? These questions and more we will explore, …

EP 136: Multiple Abuses Going On: Abraham and Lot

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:02:21 — 57.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are continuing our character studies in the Bible in the perspective of an abuse survivor. We are covering this week, patriarchs Abraham and Lot. We explore such questions such as: Abraham’s treatment of his wife Sarah, Lot offering up his virgin daughters …

EP 133: When Your Family Betrays You: Joseph Part One

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:10:49 — 32.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWhat would you do if your family sold you into slavery just for being jealous of you? That is what happened to Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob. Follow Joseph as he is also put into prison for false charges, forgotten, …

EP 131: The Weeping Prophet We Can Relate To

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:16:15 — 69.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreMost people can recite Jeremiah 29:11, but what does the rest of the book of Jeremiah have to offer us today? Why was Jeremiah called The Weeping Prophet? Well, you are going to find out on this week’s episode. Jeremiah has lots of …

EP 130: Breaking The Bondage From Addiction: Doug Sweeney

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:18 — 56.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More Bio: Summarized, my story begins from adolescence. I chose to consume alcohol; what was always in my home life. Instantly I decided this would be what I espoused because it gave me confidence and helped with being able to interact. It supported …

EP 126: Transforming Personal Trauma into Complex and Likable Characters: Guy Morris

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:08:15 — 62.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreGuy Morris has led an extraordinary life. After escaping an abusive childhood at age 13 to become a homeless runaway, Guy worked alongside migrant workers before he earned three degrees by age 27, including acceptance to Harvard and scholarship award from University of …

I Was A Guest On “Voice For The Hurting” Podcast!

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Check out my friend Lori Armstrong’s podcast, A Voice For The Hurting! I tell the abbreviated version of my abuse story and my healing journey. Click the link below: A Voice for the Hurting – Podcast Lori Armstrong A Voice for the Hurting Podcast was created to tell the stories of those who have felt alone. Whether by our own misconceptions …

EP 120: Jesus Wants To Minister To You! The Woman At The Well

Diana WinklerChristianity, shame

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:12 — 37.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are starting a new series about notable people in the bible, namely those who have suffered abuse. This week we will explore the story of the woman at the well. We’ll dive into the culture, history, geography, and glorious truths that are …

EP 112: My Story: Part 19: Making the Decision to Leave My Abuser

Diana WinklerChristian marriage

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 57:50 — 47.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreThe day is finally here. You’ve been listening to my story for many weeks now. Hear about the events leading to my departure. Find out how I deal with job loss, the fear, the sleepless nights, the planning, and our day in divorce …

EP 104: Domestic Violence And PTSD Can Keep Us In A Loop, How Do We Break The Cycle? Christina Foxwell

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:48 — 67.3MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a fantastic lady for you on the show today! Christina Foxwell is here to tell her powerful story of her healing journey from domestic violence. She is talking about her new book, Glass Angel as well. Join me for a delightful …

EP 101: How Can We Find Humor When Studying The Bible? Jake Doberenz

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:51 — 91.3MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are having a great time during our Bible Study series. This week my guest is Jake Doberenz from Creatively Christian Podcast and Theophany Media. Jake is known for finding the humor in everyday life, and even in difficult passages in Scripture. He …

EP 99: Why Should I Study The Bible When It Triggers Me? Pastor Jason Harris

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:09:02 — 158.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWelcome back to Part 4 of our series on How To Study The Bible For Abuse Survivors! Pastor Jason Harris is back on the podcast from Cairns, Australia! He and his Mom, Joy Harris, told their survival story of abuse on Episode 57 …

EP 98: Guidelines For Interpreting The Bible In The Aftermath Of Abuse: Dr Steven Tracy

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 56:11 — 51.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have another fantastic episode for you for our series on How Study The Bible For Abuse Survivors. We have back on the show, theology and ethics professor, and founder of Mending the Soul Ministries, Dr Steven Tracy! He updates us on what …

Episode 94: How To Apply Emotional Intelligence To Control Your Triggers: Agape Garcia

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (279.4MB)Subscribe: Android | RSS | More So you’ve heard of post traumatic stress disorder, but we’re gonna find out what post traumatic growth is today. Agape Garcia is going to tell her powerful story of childhood survival, defying all odds, and protecting her child from her abusive husband. She describes how she has …

EP 92: How An Unexpected Pregnancy Became A Ministry: Suzanne Burns

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (232.0MB)Subscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWhen you are faced with an unexpected pregnancy, it is hard to imagine what your future will be, or if God will ever bless your life again. We have a returning guest, Suzanne Burns, sharing her story once again of how God has used the trials in her …

EP 88: What Is The Solution To The Number One Problem In Marriage? Felice Mathieu

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:28 — 33.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreThere are lots of problems that can come up in a marriage relationship. What is the common denominator of them all? My guest Felice Mathieu is going to share the answer to that question and what we can do to overcome it. Felice …

EP 85: Breaking Free From The Monster: Victoria Cuore: Part 2

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence, sexual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:12 — 35.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have Part 2 of my guest Victoria Cuore’s riveting story! This week we cover her abuser’s drug addictions, affairs, and continued violence towards her and her daughter. She believes her faith in God kept her alive through the abuse and gave her …

EP 84: Protecting My Unborn Child From Her Father: Victoria Cuore: Part 1

Diana WinklerHealth, Physical Violence, sexual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 48:53 — 27.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreHow do you protect your unborn child from her father who is bent on killing her-and beating you within an inch of your life? Today we’ll meet Victoria Cuore, who has had over 100 surgeries to repair the damage from her abusive marriage. …

EP 83: How Can I Be Resilient In Life? Stephanie Olson

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence, Physical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 56:23 — 31.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a wonderful guest today, Stephanie Olson, from Set Me Free Project! We talked about growing up in a home as a bi-racial child, neglect from her father, her struggles with alcoholism, and an abusive marriage. She is very candid about the …

Where Did You See God? Sitting In Suffering: Longsuffering-With Paul Grainger

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

I had a great time talking with Paul Grainger on his podcast Where Did You See God? I talked about my abuse story and my ministry now. Paul very eloquently adds some insights and encouragement to the story as well. Here is the link to listen: https://anchor.fm/wheredidyouseegod/episodes/Sitting-in-Suffering-Long-suffering-e1i6al5 Here’s Paul Grainger’s website: https://www.wheredidyouseegod.com/ https://www.facebook.com/wheredidyouseeGod/ https://www.instagram.com/wheredidyouseegod/ Website: https://dswministries.org Email: diana@dswministries.org Social media …

EP 80: Multiple Traumas And Hard Decisions: Saroya Brown

Diana Winklerfinancial abuse, mental illness, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, sexual assault

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:05 — 144.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a delightful and brave guest, Saroya Brown, on the show this week. She was an orphan and was homeless for 2 years, survived cancer 3 times, and suffered numerous abuses. She talks about the ugly process of healing: spiritually, physically, and …

Bonus Episode: Featuring Juanita McDonald On Her Fundraiser For Sexual Assault Survivors

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence, sexual assault

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:37 — 83.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a bonus episode for you this week! Come and hear about a great fundraiser for sexual assault survivors! It’s called a Panty-Thon! I’m interviewing Juanita McDonald about her story behind starting her ministry at Discover Me! Join us! Organization: Re-Discover ME …

EP75: Parenting Challenges With Foster To Adopt Children: Marcy Pusey: Part Two

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:27 — 83.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have more Marcy for you! This week is the second half of my conversation with Marcy Pusey, who talks about her experience with foster to adopt and raising multicultural kids. She also shares the heartbreaking story of her mother-in-law being murdered in …

EP 74: Weaponizing Marriage: Marcy Pusey: Part One

Diana WinklerChristian marriage, church planting, clergy abuse, dating, spiritual abuse, Travel

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 39:41 — 90.8MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreMarcy Pusey is our fun, interesting and empowering guest for you this week! We had a great conversation about a variety of important topics, we made it a two part series. I was going to come up with some clever way to introduce …

EP73 When You Don’t Remember Your Childhood Abuse: John Jarman

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence, men, Physical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 38:31 — 88.1MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWith no memory of his childhood till the age of twelve, John Jarman had no conscious way to overcome the unknown pain in his past. When his adult life crumbled around him, he finally reached out for professional help, both emotionally and spiritually. …

Episode 70: My Story: Adventures In Soulwinning And Other Dangers: Part 13

Diana WinklerChristian Music, church planting, financial abuse, spiritual abuse, suicide

We are continuing in my story this week, wrapping up the ministry in New Jersey as youth leaders. It begins describing the manipulative soulwinning practices in the church. What it was like to knock on doors in the most dangerous city in New Jersey? Find out how a church hired a family to replace us as youth leaders without even telling us. Hear about the scary time we thought the KKK were going to fire bomb our house. I also share how I survived the attempted suicide of my husband. The episode ends with new music I recorded, called “Your God Will Come”.

Episode 69: My Story: Coercion, Financial And Spiritual Abuse: Part 12

Diana WinklerChristian Music, church planting, financial abuse, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:49 — 35.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are continuing my abuse story this week on the podcast. Last time we left off during our time church planting in New Jersey as youth pastors. We’re talking more about spiritual abuse and then adding financial abuse to the mix. Find out …

Episode 61: Christmas With Jesus: Musical Guests April Metzler & Friends

Diana WinklerChristian Music

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 55:08 — 30.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a special Christmas episode this year with my musical guests April Metzler, Dan Kennedy, and Thomas Arthur. They are going to share their very personal and miraculous story behind the song, “Christmas With Jesus”. Christmas is a difficult time for many …

I Was A Guest On Restoring Your Voice With Pastor David McGuire

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, spiritual abuse

Join Pastor David as he interviews Diana Winkler of DSW Ministries. Diana is an abuse survivor whose abuser was enabled by church leadership. This interview will open your eyes. Contact me at david.mcguire@restoredtolife.org SUBSCRIBE to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DavidCMcGuire Be sure to check out Pastor David’s ministry! I had a great conversation about my ministry, my abuse story and how the …

One Year Anniversary Of The Podcast: Part Two

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:52:18 — 257.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWelcome back to Part Two of the One Year Anniversary celebration! I have more new music featured for you, as well as more highlights from my great guests this past year! There is a book giveaway for those who share and comment on …

I Was A Guest Speaker On Refuge Freedom Stories

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian marriage, Christian Music, spiritual abuse

I had a great time talking with Jonnie on the podcast! Be sure to check out the other episodes. Here’s the link: https://refugefreedomstories.podbean.com/e/refuge-freedom-stories-diana-winkler/ October 29, 2021Interview with Diana Winkler, hosted and produced by Jonnie Taverner. Diana shares her journey to a life with Jesus, through an abusive relationship, and, how her plans changed and blossomed into a ministry to others. The song …

Episode 48: Jumping Out Of A Third Story Window: Rob Decker

Diana WinklerHealth, men, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, sexual assault, shame, suicide

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:37 — 59.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreSometimes in our lives, circumstances seem so hopeless that ending it all appears to be the solution to end the pain. That happened to my guest Rob Decker, when he decided to end it all by jumping out of a third story window-and …

I Was A Guest On “Beyond Just Christian” Podcast

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence, spiritual abuse

I had a wonderful interview with Brenna Covelens on her Podcast Beyond Just Christian. We talked about my music background, the pedophile in my elementary school during Part One. Part Two, we talked about my church ministry and my abuse story. We had an enjoyable time with a bunch of laughs! Sexual Harassment And Abusive Relationships Part One https://anchor.fm/brenna-covelens/episodes/Sexual-Harassment–Abusive-Relationships-Pt–1-Featuring-Diana-Winkler-e1678qm/a-a6cssss Part …

Episode 43: Breaking Free Of The Narcissist: Maegan From The Secret Garden Podcast

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence, Health, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, sexual assault

How can an abuse advocate not recognize the red flags of abuse in her own relationships? Well, it happened to Maegan, from The Secret Garden Podcast. She shares her experiences in the emergency room of comforting sexual assault victims and ensuring that the collection of evidence is completed accurately. Find out what the connection is with the show Law & Order! Maegan reveals what is the process during a rape kit and what happens to the kit afterwards, and how we can advocate for ourselves and our loved ones during this traumatic time. We also discuss what are the characteristics of a narcissist and how a narcissist does not think like everyone else. We end with Maegan’s own harrowing story of her ex husband and dating tips for breaking free of the grip that the narcissist has over us. Don’t miss this episode with Maegan!

Episode 39: The Culty World Of The IFB Church: Will Hess: Part Two

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 55:31 — 65.3MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More Will Hess continues the story of his life in the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church. He talks about getting married, transitioning out of the IFB, exposing a sexual abuse cover-up, and being manipulated as a pastor of his church. Will shares how to …

Episode 35: PTSD Of First Responders: Norm Wielsch

Diana WinklerHealth, Physical Violence, shame

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 48:31 — 51.5MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More Is there a difference between combat PTSD and First Responder PTSD? According to my guest, Norm Wielsch, your body recognizes them as the same thing. In my conversation with Norm, we hear about his father fighting during WWII and losing almost …

Episode 29: Men Too: Dr. Kelli Palfy

Diana Winklerclergy abuse, Episodes, men, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, shame, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 56:31 — 62.8MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More Hollywood and pop culture often give us the impression that men can’t be raped or sexually abused. Our guest today, Dr. Kelli Palfy, is here to dispel that myth and to give us the facts gleaned from her vast experience working …

Episode 2: Co-host Brian-Tragedies, Music, and Jesus

Diana WinklerChristian Music, clergy abuse, Domestic Violence, Episodes, Health, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:34 — 49.8MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More In this two part series, meet Diana’s husband, Brian, as he talks about his upbringing, the tragedy of his parents’ deaths, and becoming a Christian at 8 years old. He also shares crazy stories of his days as a professional Christian …