I had a great time as a guest on Eileen Santos’ podcast! We talked about the similarities of our abuse stories, narcissism, emotional and spiritual abuse. Eileen’s podcast is a True Crime podcast. Be sure to check out the rest of her excellent guests on the show!
Listen to the episode here below!
Eileen Santos can be reached at mbpatpodcast.eandj@gmail.com or reach out to us at MBP (Murder, Blood and Psychopath) Podcast (@murderbloodandpsychopath) • Instagram photos and videos.
Welcome to Episode 48-Interview with Diana Winkler. I always prioritize Domestic Violence survivors. Her story needed to be told. I found so many similarities between Danny and Nathan. Abusers all display the same Narcissism, Gaslighting, L-bombing, controlling behaviors, isolation, financial abuse, emotional abuse, institutional abuse, unrealistic expectations, blaming for incompetent behaviors, and any behaviors that make you feel like you are constantly walking on Eggshells. Diana and I are allies of any human going through this trauma. We understand and we stand with you. We love the LGBTQIA community. We would never judge anyone. Diana found her healing through Jesus Christ our savior. Keep in mind our God who we serve does not recognize judging one another. We in our mission united shall always love those even the ones who have caused us harm. Our forgiveness is our Armor to continue to liberate anyone in bondages. We recognize that abusers are also brainwashers. If a friend or family, you know is in an abusive relationship we ask that you have empathy for them. I recognize that I have family members and friends who are living in circumstances. The most we can do is support them but also tell them we know it is never easy. I am from the school of thought that if you have never experienced any form of abuse do as much research as you can to understand. I know it is easier to judge and say things like why could they not leave? Well, if it were that easy this topic would have been eviscerated a long time ago. You can reach out to both of us via our emails, and webpages below. We recognize if many of you are in one, please contact us. You can tell your story on this podcast. Information processed and circulated is how we further educate ourselves on the matter. Abusive relationships are not a one size fits all. Diana’s Biography is below:
No one expects to go into the ministry and be a victim of abuse. But that is what happened to me. On the outside, I was dutifully serving the Lord for years, conforming to the standards expected of me by the church. But behind closed doors, it was quite a different reality. For years I did not even realize that the treatment I was experiencing from my husband was abuse. The church created a toxic environment that enabled the abuse to go on and would not allow divorce within its walls. I share my story of the ministry years, the multiple forms of abuse that went on and then the process of leaving my abuser and the denomination. My difficult journey was just beginning as I lost everything, went through unemployment, bankruptcy, and a train wreck of dating relationships. I end my story by showing how God brought me through it all, healed me, and prepared me to start a ministry to help others like me who have experienced abuse within the church. Today, I use my music and other healing resources to help others through the healing process with Mending the Soul healing groups and my podcast The Wounds of the Faithful. I have seen God change many lives over the years, and I am passionate about helping many more people in their journey towards freedom.
Diana Winkler is a singer, songwriter, speaker, and abuse advocate. She served as a missionary, planting churches for 13 years, while enduring abuse that was enabled by the church. 10 years ago, she started her ministry, DSW Ministries. She uses her music to help survivors in the church heal from domestic violence, abuse, and trauma. She is the host of The Wounds of the Faithful Podcast and is a certified facilitator for Mending the Soul small groups. Diana is passionate about helping victims discover that not only can you survive, but you can be victorious! Diana has a webpage, a podcast page, and a page that educates us about the markers of abusers. The links are below for resources.