I Was A Guest Speaker On Refuge Freedom Stories

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian marriage, Christian Music, spiritual abuse

I had a great time talking with Jonnie on the podcast! Be sure to check out the other episodes. Here’s the link: https://refugefreedomstories.podbean.com/e/refuge-freedom-stories-diana-winkler/ October 29, 2021Interview with Diana Winkler, hosted and produced by Jonnie Taverner. Diana shares her journey to a life with Jesus, through an abusive relationship, and, how her plans changed and blossomed into a ministry to others. The song …

Episode 53: When You Find Out On Your Honeymoon That You Married The Wrong Person: Part 9

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian marriage, Christianity, dating, engagement

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 51:19 — 117.5MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreHappily ever after? It’s pretty disturbing to find out 24 hours after the wedding that you’ve made a big mistake. I’m continuing Part 9 of my abuse story, covering the wedding, the honeymoon, and the rocky first year of marriage. You’ll hear about …

Episode 50: When Your Fiancee Says You’re Ugly: Part 6

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian Music, dating, engagement

Would you marry someone that called you ugly? Or treated you like a trolphy? Well, I almost did. This week I am continuing my story, during the second year of bible college. I started dating this Peruvian fellow in my Spanish church. You’ll hear about how we met and started doing ministry together in the Spanish church and the bus ministry. I get candid on how purity culture can backfire and how God’s grace can still use us and restore us when we stray from the path. I follow the events that led to the decision to call off the engagement. Unfortunately, I remembered some obvious racism in that church and explain what the Bible says about the subject. I end the episode with a song for you called “Study War No More”. Join me for Part 6 of my story.