Let me tell you about Mending The Soul! Mending The Soul (MTS) is a small group for victims of domestic violence, abuse, and trauma. It is a safe place where survivors can tell their stories for the first time, be believed, and supported. MTS is a biblically based and psychologically informed curriculum, created by a theology professor and a professional trauma counselor. Each group is led by two trained facilitators and consists of 4 participants. The group meets once a week for two hours in a safe, confidential location. This is a place where the healing journey starts. We will be walking along with you each step of the way.
Mending The Soul has changed my life in so many ways. I wish I had known about MTS when I had just left my abuser. I wanted to start a ministry just like Mending The Soul, but doors kept closing one after the other. I went through some counseling afterwards, but I never found any resource that addressed healing from domestic violence, especially in the church. I wanted somehow to help others that went through the same experience I did. It wasn't until many years later when I joined my current church that I discovered Mending The Soul. I was initially intrigued with the ministry, so I signed up for a group. After I completed my own group and started my healing journey, I was so impressed with MTS, I immediately trained to be a facilitator. It is a life changing ministry I am proud to be partnered with. I have grown as a person from each group I have facilitated. I have learned so much from each of these ladies and their stories I have had the privilege of hearing. I am able to help even more people all over the world with Zoom conferencing!
Groups are available for men and women separately.
You can contact me by email diana@dswministries.org or social media links located on the top of my website page if you'd like me to place you in a group. You can also search for a group on the Mending the Soul website link below.
For Your convenience, I have included the links where you can purchase the book and workbooks for class. From the MTS website or on Amazon by clicking on the pictures below:

If you are interested in joining my Mending The Soul groups, you can email me at diana@dswministries.org.
To learn more about Mending The Soul and their ministry, please visit their website: https://mendingthesoul.org/