I had a wonderful interview with Brenna Covelens on her Podcast Beyond Just Christian. We talked about my music background, the pedophile in my elementary school during Part One. Part Two, we talked about my church ministry and my abuse story. We had an enjoyable time with a bunch of laughs!
Sexual Harassment And Abusive Relationships Part One
Part Two:
About Beyond Just Christian:
The “Beyond Just Christian” podcast welcomes listeners to the conversations that talk about what it means to live life beyond just the usual Christian standard. Hosted by Brenna Covelens, this podcast discusses the reality of life of a woman in her mid-twenties. Listeners will dig deep into the topics focused around faith, dating, relationships, health, and most importantly, how these things shape us. Join Brenna in her honest and heartfelt conversations, and see what it means to live beyond just the Christian norm.
Show Notes:
Diana Winkler is a musician, singer, songwriter, and arts extraordinaire. She is also a wife, podcaster, and domestic violence advocate. In this episode, listeners will hear about Diana’s personal testimony. She shares her story of sexual harassment she faced in eighth grade to the abusive relationships she suffered as an adult. Despite her struggles, she has uses her voice and music to change lives around her. She continues to share her story at churches and local events. In 2017, Diana teamed up with Mending The Soul Ministries, a faith-based group to help the healing from abuse. She continues to use her ministry to educate and uplift survivors of domestic violence.
Diana’s socials: Website: https://dswministries.orgabout-us/, Podcast: https://dswministries.orgblog,
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DSWMinistries.org/,
Instagram: https://instagram.com/dswministries?utm_medium=copy_link,
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/dswministries,
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCxgIpWVQCmjqog0PMK4khDw.
Verses about Love & Marriage: 1 Peter 3:1-9, Ephesians 5:21-33, 1 Corinthians 13:1-7.
Domestic Abuse Hotline: 1800-799-SAFE (7233) Text START to 88788 Website: thehotline.org