EP 87: How God Can Use One Song To Change Lives: Dave Combs

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Health Leave a Comment

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:20 — 39.6MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a musical treat for you today with my guest Dave Combs! Music has so much power in healing your body, your mind, and soul in whatever trauma you’ve experienced. Dave tells the story of how his original song, “Rachel’s Song” has …

I Was A Guest On Hooda L.K. Presents!

Diana WinklerChristian Music

I really enjoyed being on Hooda L.K. Presents recently! We had a great conversation talking about my music, my abuse story, and my ministry. Hooda played my original blues song “Break These Chains”. Hooda L.K. is a great host! He promotes Indie artists on his podcast and internet radio! Be sure to listen to his other guests on his show! …

Episode 70: My Story: Adventures In Soulwinning And Other Dangers: Part 13

Diana WinklerChristian Music, church planting, financial abuse, spiritual abuse, suicide

We are continuing in my story this week, wrapping up the ministry in New Jersey as youth leaders. It begins describing the manipulative soulwinning practices in the church. What it was like to knock on doors in the most dangerous city in New Jersey? Find out how a church hired a family to replace us as youth leaders without even telling us. Hear about the scary time we thought the KKK were going to fire bomb our house. I also share how I survived the attempted suicide of my husband. The episode ends with new music I recorded, called “Your God Will Come”.

Episode 69: My Story: Coercion, Financial And Spiritual Abuse: Part 12

Diana WinklerChristian Music, church planting, financial abuse, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:49 — 35.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are continuing my abuse story this week on the podcast. Last time we left off during our time church planting in New Jersey as youth pastors. We’re talking more about spiritual abuse and then adding financial abuse to the mix. Find out …

Episode 61: Christmas With Jesus: Musical Guests April Metzler & Friends

Diana WinklerChristian Music

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 55:08 — 30.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a special Christmas episode this year with my musical guests April Metzler, Dan Kennedy, and Thomas Arthur. They are going to share their very personal and miraculous story behind the song, “Christmas With Jesus”. Christmas is a difficult time for many …

Episode 56: Trauma Induced Eating Disorders: Sue Bowles

Diana WinklerChristian Music, eating disorders, sexual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:07 — 33.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreDid you know that there are many forms of eating disorders? Most of us are familiar with bulimia or anorexia, but there are many more. Sue Bowles is our guest this week sharing about how her childhood trauma was the catalyst to her …

I Was A Guest On Restoring Your Voice With Pastor David McGuire

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, spiritual abuse

Join Pastor David as he interviews Diana Winkler of DSW Ministries. Diana is an abuse survivor whose abuser was enabled by church leadership. This interview will open your eyes. Contact me at david.mcguire@restoredtolife.org SUBSCRIBE to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DavidCMcGuire Be sure to check out Pastor David’s ministry! I had a great conversation about my ministry, my abuse story and how the …

One Year Anniversary Of The Podcast: Part One

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, podcast anniversary

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 2:02:51 — 281.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWelcome to the One Year Anniversary of The Wounds Of The Faithful Podcast! It has been a great year full of special guests, inspiring survivor stories, music, and tools to help you in your journey to heal from abuse. We will celebrate with …

I Was A Guest Speaker On Refuge Freedom Stories

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian marriage, Christian Music, spiritual abuse

I had a great time talking with Jonnie on the podcast! Be sure to check out the other episodes. Here’s the link: https://refugefreedomstories.podbean.com/e/refuge-freedom-stories-diana-winkler/ October 29, 2021Interview with Diana Winkler, hosted and produced by Jonnie Taverner. Diana shares her journey to a life with Jesus, through an abusive relationship, and, how her plans changed and blossomed into a ministry to others. The song …

I Was A Guest On Embracing Abundant Life Podcast

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, spiritual abuse

https://podcasts.google.com/search/Embracing%20Abundant%20Life I had a great time chatting with Dr. Avis Sparks about my abuse story, my music and advocacy ministry. She is a great host! Be sure to check out her podcast! Show Notes: We do not need to wear a mask for God. The mask only hinders us from letting God help us deal with our real issues. God …

Episode 52: Coping With A Chronic Illness: Brian Winkler

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Concerts, Health, men, suicide

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 52:57 — 121.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreHow do you cope with an illness that doesn’t seem to go away? How does it affect your relationship with God? What are some coping strategies to deal with the struggles? I have my husband Brian back on the podcast to answer those …

Episode 50: When Your Fiancee Says You’re Ugly: Part 6

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian Music, dating, engagement

Would you marry someone that called you ugly? Or treated you like a trolphy? Well, I almost did. This week I am continuing my story, during the second year of bible college. I started dating this Peruvian fellow in my Spanish church. You’ll hear about how we met and started doing ministry together in the Spanish church and the bus ministry. I get candid on how purity culture can backfire and how God’s grace can still use us and restore us when we stray from the path. I follow the events that led to the decision to call off the engagement. Unfortunately, I remembered some obvious racism in that church and explain what the Bible says about the subject. I end the episode with a song for you called “Study War No More”. Join me for Part 6 of my story.

Episode 49: My Story: My Experiences During My First Year Of Bible College: Part 5

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, Music, Travel

This week on the podcast, we are continuing with Part 5 of my story, where I reminesce about my first year in bible college. I talk about the culture of the church and the school, the dating scene, the legalistic standards, and the insane ministry schedule I kept. I started my formal voice and piano training and went on two foreign missions trips. I end with some of the things about the church and school that bothered me, but also remember the wonderful people who helped me out in tough times. Join me for the next leg of my journey!

Episode 47: My Story: Getting Baptized And Called Into The Ministry: Part 4

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, Domestic Violence, Episodes

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 42:06 — 44.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreThanks for joining me on Part 4 of telling my life, my ministry, and abuse story. It starts out with moving back east to be closer to extended family. I enter the work force with a few challenging jobs, join my cousin’s church, …

Episode 41: The Healing Power Of Music: Part 2: Stories Behind The Music

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Concerts, Episodes

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 55:31 — 58.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | More We’re back with Part Two of The Healing Power Of Music. We open with a behind the scenes look at the process of Diana recording her song “Break These Chains”. We hear more about the amazing power that music has to transcend …

Episode 40: The Healing Power Of Music Part One

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Episodes, Health, Music

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:12 — 47.4MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More How can we use music as a healing tool? How music can affect our emotions? Can music make you sin? Is music only for worship services? These are some questions we answer on this week’s episode. Also, hear about the history …

Episode 20: Pastor Kyle Fox: What Does A Healthy Church Look Like?

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, clergy abuse, Episodes, shame, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:02:32 — 67.7MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More Do you know what are the signs of healthy church? Many survivors are shell shocked from the aftermath of abuse that they don’t even know if they can trust a church again. Our guest today is Diana’s pastor, Kyle Fox, Senior …


Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, Episodes, Physical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:25 — 49.8MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More Don’t miss this episode with our guest Wayne Stiles from Walking The Bible Lands! Wayne shares insights on the godly example of Joseph, and how his life gives us some encouraging answers to one of life’s toughest questions: Where was God …

Episode 10: The Realities Of Death and Plans For The Future

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Episodes, Health

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 48:50 — 52.1MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More Join us for this last episode of 2020. Diana reflects on the joys and the pain of this past year, including the death of her oldest brother. She talks about the exciting plans for the podcast, future guests and advice on …

Episode 4: Why Spiritual Abuse Is One Of The Worst Kinds Of Abuse

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Episodes, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 46:06 — 49.9MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More In this episode, Diana speaks about a kind of abuse that she is the most familiar with: spiritual abuse. She discusses the many obvious and subtle ways that a person can experience spiritual abuse, and that it is not only found …

Episode 3: Co-Host Brian Part 2-From Legalism to Finding Love

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Episodes, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 50:22 — 51.9MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More Welcome back to Part 2 of Brian’s story. The story continues as he tells of the legalistic Apostolic Church environment in which he experienced spiritual abuse at the hand of a family member. Brian and Diana reminisce on how God brought …

Episode 2: Co-host Brian-Tragedies, Music, and Jesus

Diana WinklerChristian Music, clergy abuse, Domestic Violence, Episodes, Health, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:34 — 49.8MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More In this two part series, meet Diana’s husband, Brian, as he talks about his upbringing, the tragedy of his parents’ deaths, and becoming a Christian at 8 years old. He also shares crazy stories of his days as a professional Christian …

Episode 1: Some Myths About Domestic Violence And Abuse

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Episodes, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 38:07 — 87.2MB) | Embed Subscribe: Android | RSS | More In this episode, Diana dispels a few myths about abuse, what the common denominator of all abuse is, and what we can do about it. She talks a little about Mending The Soul small groups, and ends with a song selection …

How to Find A Good Music Teacher

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Music

Cutting Through The Variety of Choices Out There As a voice teacher for many years, I have had students come to me from all walks of like who had bad experiences with previous music teachers. Some of the teachers gave the students bad techniques or no technique at all, but didn’t have any problem taking the student’s money. I’ve seen …

Restore! Restore! Radio Program

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Music

I was invited back to be a guest on the radio program Restore! Restore! I talk about my music, my new website, my book and Mending the Soul updates. Here is the link to listen to the replay. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gumboforthesoul/2018/07/08/restore-restore-hosted-by-wanda-burnside-and-ramelle-t-lee?fbclid=IwAR3JcdTRVsrDTn5HLbm9rqQuSD8DnqNskOAJw8eFy_LJBDoKaMmpzeYx2vU

Hear My New Release

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Music

New Song Break “These Chains!” Originally posted on February 27, 2012 RELEASING MY NEW SINGLE “BREAK THESE CHAINS”! I am so excited about this new beginning to my music ministry! I just got a new job that will allow me more time to devote to music right now. My husband and I are starting the support group at church and …

domestic violence, chains

Break These Chains

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Domestic Violence, Music

RELEASING MY NEW SINGLE “BREAK THESE CHAINS”! Originally posted on February 27, 2012 I am so excited about this new beginning to my music ministry! I just got a new job that will allow me more time to devote to music right now. My husband and I are starting the support group at church and reaching out to our community. …

Singing In France!

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Music, Travel

WE WENT TO FRANCE! Originally posted on September 19, 2016 Hello, everyone! I know that I have been too busy making music to do any blog posts, so I am going to let you know about an exciting trip we had. I have been planning on visiting my sister in Paris for many years. Life happens. Between job loss, lack …