EP 80: Multiple Traumas And Hard Decisions: Saroya Brown

Diana Winklerfinancial abuse, mental illness, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, sexual assault

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:05 — 144.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe have a delightful and brave guest, Saroya Brown, on the show this week. She was an orphan and was homeless for 2 years, survived cancer 3 times, and suffered numerous abuses. She talks about the ugly process of healing: spiritually, physically, and …

Episode 70: My Story: Adventures In Soulwinning And Other Dangers: Part 13

Diana WinklerChristian Music, church planting, financial abuse, spiritual abuse, suicide

We are continuing in my story this week, wrapping up the ministry in New Jersey as youth leaders. It begins describing the manipulative soulwinning practices in the church. What it was like to knock on doors in the most dangerous city in New Jersey? Find out how a church hired a family to replace us as youth leaders without even telling us. Hear about the scary time we thought the KKK were going to fire bomb our house. I also share how I survived the attempted suicide of my husband. The episode ends with new music I recorded, called “Your God Will Come”.

Episode 69: My Story: Coercion, Financial And Spiritual Abuse: Part 12

Diana WinklerChristian Music, church planting, financial abuse, spiritual abuse

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:49 — 35.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are continuing my abuse story this week on the podcast. Last time we left off during our time church planting in New Jersey as youth pastors. We’re talking more about spiritual abuse and then adding financial abuse to the mix. Find out …