EP 81: How Can I Be A Mom Without My Mom? Melissa Reilly

Diana WinklerChristian marriage, Health

We have a a perfect episode for Mother’s Day week. I have my special guest Melissa Reilly here to give us some valuable advice on how to raise our kids when our mother is not present. It doesn’t matter if we are missing our mom from either estrangement, death, or living far away. Raising kids without your Mom is difficult. Melissa shares with us her stories of her childhood filled with traumatic losses of multiple family members, her discovery with God in relation to death, and the adventures of raising children later in life. You will be so blessed!


Alone in the hospital room six hours after giving birth I felt an unbelievable emotional pain that felt like part of me was breaking.  I lost my mother 15 years previously and yet in that moment the pain I felt over her absence was as if she had just died again.  I couldn’t believe that instead of being consumed with joy I was overwhelmed with grief.  What was wrong with me?
Moms separated from their own mother by physical distance, emotional estrangement or death experience a grief process that is rarely identified, let alone talked about.  As a clinical psychologist and mom coach I love to help moms without a mom heal through grief, build community, feel joy in motherhood and move from feelings of isolation, insecurity and overwhelm to a place of confidence and resilience.  

Melissa Reilly is a mom of two boys, clinical psychologist and parent coach who is passionate about helping moms separated from their mother by physical distance, estrangement, or death, move from feelings of insecurity, isolation and overwhelm to a place of resilience.

Here is my free guide “Bonding with Baby while caring for yourself”  designed to help postpartum moms without a mom develop strategies to care for themselves without needing to find extra time away from their baby.


Website: https://dswministries.org

Email: diana@dswministries.org

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