Episode 59: My Story: The Beginning Of My Missionary Service: Part 10

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:41 — 25.4MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreWe are continuing the next stage in my life story and abuse story. We left off at graduation from bible college and the tumultuous first year of marriage. I describe the process of becoming a Baptist missionary, the different kinds of missionaries, and …

Episode 49: My Story: My Experiences During My First Year Of Bible College: Part 5

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, Music, Travel

This week on the podcast, we are continuing with Part 5 of my story, where I reminesce about my first year in bible college. I talk about the culture of the church and the school, the dating scene, the legalistic standards, and the insane ministry schedule I kept. I started my formal voice and piano training and went on two foreign missions trips. I end with some of the things about the church and school that bothered me, but also remember the wonderful people who helped me out in tough times. Join me for the next leg of my journey!

Episode 47: My Story: Getting Baptized And Called Into The Ministry: Part 4

Diana WinklerChristian Music, Christianity, Domestic Violence, Episodes

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 42:06 — 44.7MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreThanks for joining me on Part 4 of telling my life, my ministry, and abuse story. It starts out with moving back east to be closer to extended family. I enter the work force with a few challenging jobs, join my cousin’s church, …