Episode 71: Is Purity The Same Thing As Virginity? Lydia Vreeman

Diana WinklerChristian marriage, dating, sexual assault, shame

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 56:40 — 32.2MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreLydia Vreeman is my guest this week from the Holy Ship Podcast! She shares her personal story of being sexually assaulted by someone she trusted in the church. We talk about the difference between purity and virginity, and hope for those of us …

Episode 50: When Your Fiancee Says You’re Ugly: Part 6

Diana Winklerbible college, Christian Music, dating, engagement

Would you marry someone that called you ugly? Or treated you like a trolphy? Well, I almost did. This week I am continuing my story, during the second year of bible college. I started dating this Peruvian fellow in my Spanish church. You’ll hear about how we met and started doing ministry together in the Spanish church and the bus ministry. I get candid on how purity culture can backfire and how God’s grace can still use us and restore us when we stray from the path. I follow the events that led to the decision to call off the engagement. Unfortunately, I remembered some obvious racism in that church and explain what the Bible says about the subject. I end the episode with a song for you called “Study War No More”. Join me for Part 6 of my story.

Episode 24: Sheila Gregoire: Toxic Church Teachings About Sex, Purity, and Marriage

Diana WinklerPhysical Violence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:47 — 64.9MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSS | MoreDo you feel that a satisfying love life in your marriage is out of reach for you? Does your previous abuse and trauma stop you from enjoying a fulfilling sex life? Do the teachings you’ve been taught all your life in church about …