Episode 16: Guest: Dr. Steve Tracy: God Is Healing Severe Abuse And Trauma

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence, Episodes, mental illness, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, shame, spiritual abuse

Don’t miss this incredible, inspiring episode as Diana interviews Dr. Steve Tracy, Founder and President of Mending The Soul. Dr. Tracy shares how his personal experiences with abuse and trauma inspired him and his wife Celestia to start the ministry of Mending The Soul. Learn about the many biblical and psychologically sound resources for healing abuse, and trauma that Mending The Soul offers. He explains why he believes these small groups led by layman survivors are the most effective and biblical method towards healing. Hear the riveting stories of how Steve leads ministry teams to The Congo and East Africa, called “The Rape Capital Of The World”. His team is dedicated to help victims of unspeakable trauma to heal, as well as, train the pastors and community leaders to facilitate their own small groups of healing. Steve tenderly answers one of life’s most difficult questions: Where was God during my abuse? He ends with the passionate declaration that God is at work behind the scenes in mighty ways!

Show notes:

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Steven R Tracy, Ph.D.

Steve is the President and International Director for Mending the Soul, and professor of theology and ethics at Phoenix Seminary where he has taught since 1995. He has also served as a church pastor for fifteen years. Steve’s research and writing are focused on biblical ethics, sexuality, and abuse. He received a B.A. from Arizona State, an M.Div. and Th.M. from Western Seminary and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from the University of Sheffield (England) with a research focus on Pauline ethics. In addition to his domestic work, Steve, along with his wife Celestia, spend 4-8 weeks a year in East Africa coordinating and supervising international trauma training teams. Steve is the author of seven books and numerous book chapters and journal articles. Steve and Celestia have three grown children, who, with their families, partner with them in ministries of justice and mercy.

Mentioned MTS resources available at www.mendingthesoul.org:

Mending The Soul: Understanding And Healing Abuse

Caring For The Vulnerable Child-pre-adolescent

Princess Lost/Princess Found-survivors of sex trafficking

Explore: The Guided Journal To Be Loved-shorter simpler curriculum

Mending The Soul Student Edition-High School

By His Wounds-Africa curriculum

Other resources mentioned:

American Bible Society: Healing and Wounds Of Trauma

Rick Warren-Celebrate Recovery –addiction specific

0:13:00 MTS Resources

09:19:11 The MTS Difference

0:23:31 Why are facilitators survivors and lay persons instead of licensed counselors?

0:28:12 Participants get more healing from MTS than from their counselor

0:29:35 Shame

0:31:57 I’m not alone

0:34:07 Abuse with a capital “A”-severe trauma

0:36:15 I will crawl on my hands and knees to get there to serve them

0:37:48 There is nothing too difficult for God

0:39:24 The transformation was so great, you didn’t recognize her

0:44:29 A survivor goes into the jungle to witness to her torturers

0:48:56 God is at work behind the scenes

0:52:15 Where was God during my abuse?

0:57:50 Take your pain to God. It’s called lamenting.