Episode 12: Guest Dave Ebert: The Healing Power Of Laughter

Diana WinklerEpisodes, Physical Violence, sexual abuse, shame

Our guest on this week’s podcast, is Dave Ebert from Gifts4Glory Ministries. Dave shares his past struggles with depression, self worth, and thoughts of suicide. He has captivating stories of how he met the Lord, found his calling into improv comedy, and helps victims of sex trafficking to heal using improv classes. You will not want to miss this inspiring interview!

Show notes:

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Dave Ebert (Acting/Speaking/Improv Coaching)


Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @realdaveebert

Gifts for Glory Ministries gifts4glory.com

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @gifts4glory

Well Versed Comedy wellversedcomedy.com

Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: @wellversedCMDY


Dave is an improviser, actor, improv coach, speaker, and credentialed minister. He was born in Chicago, but grew up in southwestern Virginia. Much of his improv and acting ability is attributed to his 8 years as a pro wrestler on the independent circuit in the south. In 2013, after nearly two decades of battling with depression and suicidal ideations, Dave finally made the life-changing decision to pursue God. He says, “At that point, I wrestled with this choice: I could take my life…or I could give my life. I chose to give my life to the Lord.” Most of his life, Dave covered his depression with humor. He used it to make others feel better while disguising how he truly felt inside. Dave often tells his testimony by saying, “I used to use comedy to hide who I was, but now I use comedy to reveal Who He is.” Shortly after deciding to pursue a real relationship with God, Dave relocated back to Chicago in 2013. Through his passion for comedy renewed with a deeper purpose, he founded Well Versed Comedy, an improv comedy ministry team. Doing comedy is his primary passion for reaching people, either to uplift and encourage fellow Christians, or to bring light, laughter, and joy to non-Christians. “Well Versed Comedy is as much a ministry to one another as it is to other people. We love and support one another in our lives, in our pursuits, and in comedy. We hold each other accountable to the Lord so that our individual and our team witness can not be damaged. It’s such a joy to share the gift of laughter with the team and with the audience.” Well Versed Comedy recently filmed a 5-episode television show called “His Line,” a Christian take on the hit improv show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” “His Line” is available on YouTube, 24 Flix streaming service, and The Creative Motion Network channel on Roku. In 2018, Dave was approached by Izabel Olson, the Founder and Director of Salt and Light Coalition, to bring improv classes to the women of Salt and Light. The women who come to Salt and Light are survivors of sex trafficking. Dave has always appreciated the honor of being entrusted, as a man, to be invited to serve at Salt and Light. “The weight and honor of being asked, as a man, to come serve at Salt and Light has never been lost on me. I can only imagine what experiences and hurt these ladies have experienced at the hands of countless men. I take this very seriously. What can improv do for these women who have survived literal hell on earth? Improv can help improve communication, develop self-confidence, and tap into the God-given creativity that exists in all of us. And, if nothing else, these amazing women can laugh like little kids again for an hour a month. That is such a blessing, and if I do nothing else in comedy, this is more than enough.” He married his wife Bobbie in June 2015, and they live together in Crest Hill, Ill., with their 3 cats.