EP 199: How Much Does It Cost To Save One Girl Out Of The Sex Trade? Kenny Sacht Part Two

Diana WinklerDomestic Violence

This week on the podcast, Diana continues her conversation with missionary Kenny Sacht. Kenny shares his profound experiences and vivid visions of rescuing girls from the sex trade in the Philippines. The discussion covers the significance of prayer and fasting, the power of God’s intervention, and the importance of education and spiritual healing for the girls. They highlight Kenny’s mission organization, Wipe Every Tear, which provides safe houses, education, and holistic support to help these girls build new lives. The episode also emphasizes the need for financial support and volunteers to sustain and expand their impactful ministry.

00:00 Introduction and Vision
00:57 Welcome to the Podcast
01:32 Kenny’s Story Continues
01:58 A Vision of Compassion
02:54 Treating Everyone with Dignity
05:20 Revival in the Sex Trade
06:27 The Power of Prayer and Worship
08:22 God’s Miraculous Guidance
11:04 Success Stories and Challenges
14:15 The Importance of Education
21:52 Funding the Mission
25:39 Call to Action and Support
29:28 Closing and Prayer

Link to send listeners to: https://www.wipeeverytear.org

Kenny’s phone number 208-866-1967

Our website will demonstrate our heart and what God is doing in the sex trade, and how to get involved. And for those desiring to give for her freedom, there is a link where it’s quick and easy to do so! They can also go to our social media pages on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/wipeeverytear, and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wipeeverytear.

Wipe Every Tear started in a high school teacher’s classroom. After years of leading basketball and volleyball teams to the Philippines, Kenny’s eyes were opened to the nightmare of human-sex trafficking. Having five daughters of his own, his heart broke at the reality that girls were being sold for sex. In 2008, Wipe Every Tear was born, and in 2012 It all began in 2007 where Kenny lead a summer basketball mission team to the Philippines. The following year in 2008 while leading a girl’s volleyball team, Kenny’s eyes were opened to the nightmare of human-sex trafficking when his heart broke at the reality that girls were being sold for sex. After the 2008 trip he and his wife decided to help one impoverished girl he’d met during that time and they founded Wipe Every Tear. Helping one girl quickly became four, and then many. He entered into the sex trade (the good side!) in 2012. Kenny began with the mindset, “If these girls were my daughters, how would I want someone to treat them and come to their rescue?” Shortly thereafter he left his teaching and coaching career to dedicate all of his time rescuing and restoring girls and women from the sex trade. Their first safe house, called Hope House, was secured in 2012 in partnership with local Filipinos. Wipe Every Tear works closely with local Filipino churches to help women escape the imprisonment of sexual exploitation, providing a new life in Jesus along with formal college education which is a must in the Philippines to even work in the fast food industry. Kenny is passionate for revival and seeing the kingdom of heaven invade the poor, hungry, destitute, and lovely women trapped in the sex trade, believing the presence of God changes everything. Since our inception, many more women have been welcomed into our safe houses where they experience freedom, security, three meals a day, education, and discipleship. Through this simple act of providing a loving home, women’s lives are continuing to be restored to this day. We have had the privilege to see the transformation of dozens of young girl’s and women’s lives, bringing hope, freedom, and a great future in the name of Jesus. Kenny travels one third of his time in the Philippines and also speaks at churches, gatherings, and conferences in the Philippines, America, and other nations. Prior to Wipe Every Tear, Kenny graduated from seminary and pastored two churches. He was a high school teacher and basketball and track and field coach for many years. Kenny and his bride DA have five daughters, one son, and 15 grandchildren and reside in Boise, Idaho USA.

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How Much Does It Cost To Save One Girl Out Of The Sex Trade? Kenny Sacht Part Two

[00:00:00] Last time on the Wounds of the Faithful podcast

[00:00:04] and I was in my hotel room during the day. One time I was on my knees worshiping and praying in my hotel room, and I had a vision.

[00:00:12] And all of a sudden I’m taken to this bar. My eyes are open. It’s like I’m in two places at one time, I’ve walked with Jesus for a long time. I still am amazed at the supernatural. While I’m sitting there worshiping, I have this vision, and I’m in a bar, and there’s this man on a stool with his back to me, and he’s very overweight. He’s that 350 category. And yellow teeth. Smokin a cigarette, drinkin a beer, and I know why he’s there. And I know why I’m there. I’m there to get these girls out, to offer them freedom, to give them hope, and introduce the most wonderful Jesus to them. And while I’m sittin there, I’m having this feeling towards this guy.

[00:00:57] Welcome [00:01:00] to the Wounds of the Faithful podcast, brought to you by DSW Ministries. Your host is singer, songwriter, speaker, and domestic violence advocate, Diana Winkler. She is passionate about helping survivors in the church heal from domestic violence and abuse and trauma. This podcast is not a substitute for professional counseling or qualified medical help.

[00:01:23] Now, here is Diana.

[00:01:31] Hey everyone. Part two To hear the rest of Kenny’s Story. it has been incredible listening to what he’s doing and what God has done with his team. There’s more stories, folks. It’s already exciting as it is. It’s going to get even more exciting. And you are not going to want to miss this interview. Enjoy

[00:01:54] my conversation with Kenny Sacht

[00:01:58] And all of a sudden, he’s, [00:02:00] picture him, he’s on a stool,

[00:02:01] in the vision there’s this little two and a half, three year old child. It’s a boy and he’s playing in the dirt with trucks and, picture he’s got some trucks, I’ll take, I’ll just grab my little wallet here, and he’s playing, he’s going, and he’s got, and he’s playing and he’s just playing like I did as a kid. Every little boy does. And then God says the Isn’t he lovely? Isn’t my boy beautiful? And Diana, my heart, I heard God’s voice, his heart, for his boy now. Wasn’t he beautiful? Like referring back to 50 years ago, he said, isn’t he lovely? Isn’t he beautiful? Beautiful.

[00:02:52] That changed everything. And from that day forward, we started treating these men with honor [00:03:00] and dignity and they’re no longer our enemies

[00:03:04] God just did something in me, Diana, and it changed me. Oh, it changed me. And so now I impart that to the rest of our team and we have no enemies. I mean, Ephesians 6 says, We don’t have enemies.

[00:03:19] Our enemy is not flesh and blood, it’s not skin, it’s principalities, it’s spirits, it’s demons, it’s entities. That’s the ones we are fighting. It’s not those men, it’s not people, it’s not this stuff, it’s not that, it’s not this, it’s the spiritual aspect that’s being used through that man.

[00:03:42] They are the enemy, not that man. treat them with honor. We’ve bought them drinks. and those listening, we live in a different world. There’s alcohol around. No, we don’t drink alcohol in the bars but we will say, can I buy you a drink? Yeah. Yeah. Mate, where are you from? Mate? He’s from [00:04:00] Australia by the way.

[00:04:00] Mate, ah, I’m from America. What are you doing here, mate? I wish I could do the Australian accent, you know, the Aussie accent, but what are you doing here, mate? And I go, I’m here for the girls. What are you here for, mate? And I’ll say, I’m here for the girls also.

[00:04:17] And yeah, he, yeah. Like, you know this party atmosphere. Yeah. And I’ll go, but very, very different. But very different. I’m here to help them get outta here. And many of the guys listen by the way, so wait, can I buy you a drink? Yes. So you buy him a beer, or if he’s drinking a Coke, or whatever, I just buy it for him.

[00:04:39] And I begin sharing the goodness of God to that man, and why we are there, and what we’re offering these girls as a way to get him, as a way out for a new life. Anyway, so, we have no enemies. You’ve said that he’s in a prison too, just in a different type of prison.

[00:04:58] Yes. Right? He [00:05:00] absolutely, he falls short of the glory. Was an adult. I was 18 years old when I met Jesus, when I had a radical encounter with Jesus, in the Jesus movement during the, Jesus revolution, and there’s the movie, right?

[00:05:14] That, and that was my life, 1976. I’d encounter with Jesus in college, boom. Well, These guys need an encounter with Jesus, and Diana, I am believing in revival. The prophets are saying there is an end time revival that is coming. We can see that in the scripture. There seems to be a latter reign of God.

[00:05:36] And I believe the latter reign is going to be stronger and heavier than the former reign. And, I’m believing, and God has spoken to us about seeing revival in the sex trade. Of all places. That would be like saying for Americans, there’s going to be revival on the strip in the,

[00:05:58] I don’t know what [00:06:00] they call them. Red light district. Yeah, right. \ I know there’s the Ranch, which is just outside of Las Vegas. It’s called the Red Mustang Ranch. That’d be like saying there’s going to be revival at the Red Mustang Ranch.

[00:06:11] And guess what? We are contending for it, we are believing in it, and we are going to see a move of heaven on earth in the sex trade. In Jesus name. That is just amazing. I love it. You say, about the spiritual realm. The only way that you are able to do this work is by prayer and fasting.

[00:06:33] You talk about, you guys have to pray. And bring down heaven before you even go into that bar. Wow. And you see these visions, like I’ve never really had a vision, so I don’t know what they’re like, but you told these stories about you preparing to go into these bars because if you don’t pray like you’re praying, I assume you just go to the dark side, [00:07:00] like everybody else.

[00:07:01] Right?

[00:07:02] You know, you have to pray. A good friend of mine, a good board member, Keith, I think you saw him in that one, video with Eric Metaxas in New York. And, Keith is a very good friend of mine. He’s been to the Philippines numerous times on trips. And, Keith says, you said we have to worship and pray until we get our Jesus eyes on, you know, and so I’ve said that in a different way, but that’s his, translation of that.

[00:07:27] And so we will worship normally for it’s usually about two hours, sometimes it’s an hour, but it’s usually upwards of two hours. We will worship and pray, in our welcome center or we have a safe house right there, but like a three minute walk to the main street. It’s called, check this out, fields Avenue. And I’m here to declare the Fields Avenue. are ripe for harvest. So anyway, we do, we pray and we worship and, we spend [00:08:00] more time worshiping than saying words and saying, Oh God, do this. Oh God, do that. You know, I have found over the years that if we worship our words need to be very few in our requests to the Lord, in our requests, in our interceding.

[00:08:18] for in behalf of the girls and the men in the street. And so we worship, and we worship, and oftentimes God gives us words of knowledge, and we’ll have visions. And there’s times when God will give us names of girls. Can you believe that? He’ll give us names of girls. I mean, one time we had a group, it was our largest trip we ever had.

[00:08:40] We had a hundred people on this mission trip. They’re all from, all over from the country. It was an adventures and missions world race trip where they came and, it was over a hundred of us. And. I was telling our teams, and we had numerous teams within that, we break up into groups of, six, seven, eight people or whatever.

[00:08:57] And so you can imagine a hundred divided by six, [00:09:00] right? We just had so many teams and I just said, expect God to speak to us while we’re worshiping. He loves to speak through all sorts of ways. And so I said, he often gives names of girls and wouldn’t you know, 27 names, these people just say, I, I hear the name, Sylvia.

[00:09:19] I hear, just picture names of girls, right? Susie and Betty and Judy and Kathy and, and there’ll be Filipino names in there as well. They’re very Westernized. There’s a lot of Western names. And sometimes we’ll get funny names, like this one time, Rain. This girl just recently said, Rain.

[00:09:37] I just keep hearing Rain. Like, Rain isn’t pouring down? Well, I mean, maybe, but it’s I just hear like it’s a name, Rain. And lo and behold, on that particular trip, and I’m kind of fast forwarding now, this just happened just a few weeks ago. And her name was R E I G N, Rain. But she heard Rain, so she says R A I N.

[00:09:58] And we ran [00:10:00] across a Rain, and she came to our banquet. Anyway, going back to this one a few years ago, and it’s quite some time ago now. And so we had 27 names. We have a little pad, so we got 27 names of girls and these girls were all going to come to go to this getaway and 20 Six of them had shown up and we had two buses and two big coaches, a hundred people.

[00:10:29] And we’re getting ready to pull out and one of our girls who is on our staff came out of the bars. Wait, wait, wait, stop, stop, stop the bus. And she’s got her phone, you know, and she says, and there’s this girl texting her and she looks at me and she runs out and goes and brings this girl on board and she looks at me.

[00:10:47] She goes, coach, that’s number 27. Oh, wow. God gave us 27 girls with names on. I mean, are you kidding me? [00:11:00] Only God would do that. Yes. If I could, I think this one is such a fun one. One of our girls, we’ll call her name Kathy. We don’t use their real names just to protect them, their identity.

[00:11:11] And Kathy, was in our, house one time and she’d been with us for a year. And I said, Kathy, I’ve never heard your story. How did you get here? And she goes, Oh, coach. Again, they all call me coach or they call me Lolo or Lolo coach. Lolo is grandpa in Filipino or Tagalog. And so she says, ah, Lolo coach.

[00:11:29] She goes, well, three days before. The team came in that night. I had a dream. Now this is an unbeliever from a very liberal Catholic nation. It’s like 95 percent Catholic. Not, but not like my Catholic friends here who just deeply love Jesus. This is, it’s very, you know, it’s very religious there. she said, I had this dream.

[00:11:53] Oh, you did. And she said, I heard this voice. In her words, she goes, and I heard God say [00:12:00] this, and in the dream she says, I saw these white Americans coming in with, two or three Filipino girls. And I heard this voice say, listen to what they say and trust them.

[00:12:15] And I said, what did you do? And she says, I trusted them, coach. I go, that’s how you got here? And she goes, yes. She goes, they called me off the stage. They’re hired as dancers and they’re on the stage dancing. They called me off the stage and they began to talk to me about Wipe Every Tear and about the safe houses and about how you provide for us and how you will get us into finished high school if we need to, go to college, whatever we need.

[00:12:43] And you’ll support our children and you believe them. Of course I did. Well, Kathy now has a college degree, she’s no longer trafficked, and her whole world is changed. And all of [00:13:00] her downline, all of the generations after her, will never be trafficked, because she now has access. She’s got money and all of her kids will be educated.

[00:13:11] All of her relatives, they share it trafficking and The sex trade has been broken in the name of Jesus. Yes That’s just a couple stories, you know how God just speaks to us and speaks to girls in the bars I mean, how good is God, Diana to do such a thing? Amen. Well, Jesus went to where people were needing to hear the gospel.

[00:13:38] He went out of the way. He went through Samaria. He talked to somebody that he wasn’t supposed to be talking to, but hey, this Samaritan woman, is going to hear the gospel and she’s going to take it to the village where she lives and they’re going to come and hear the gospel themselves and their entire village is going to be changed [00:14:00] and that’s what you do.

[00:14:01] You go out where, go out and go get them. We do boldfully. You absolutely do. So I know you’ve kind of generally said what you do, but. Is it true that they need to have, college to just even work at a fast food restaurant? It looks like education is so valued over anything else that that’s the way out of poverty?

[00:14:28] Would you say that? Yes, absolutely. You can’t work in the McDonald’s, it’s Americanized now, it’s Westernized. There’s McDonald’s, there’s Dairy Queen, there’s, Burger King there.

[00:14:40] And it may sound hard to believe, but one time I had a high school team there I was telling them, hey girls, watch this. We were going into a Dairy Queen in the mall. It was just about ready to close, so there was no customers in there, and they’re always very, labor, heavy, so there’s 10 or 12 working in there, [00:15:00] and so here come all these White girls from a volleyball team. And we ordered ice cream and I turned around to my girls and I told them, you need a college degree to work at McDonald’s. So I said, Hey girls, watch this. I go, Hey, come on out here guys. So they all come out. There’s no customers, so we’re the only ones. It’s a country where they still love Americans.

[00:15:19] They just love Americans. They remember what we did in World War II. America came and set the Philippines free of the Japanese, occupation. with General MacArthur back in the day. “I shall return!” General MacArthur. Anyway, so I said, how many of you guys and girls back there

[00:15:37] have a college degree? Every one of them go. And I look at all my girls and they just went.

[00:15:47] Like, how can this be? And the reason is, it’s supply and demand. It’s a very small nation. There’s, 7, 000 islands, but it’s very small geographically. [00:16:00] However, so it’s extreme, just, very small. And so, in the midst of that smallness, there are over a hundred million population.

[00:16:08] So it’s supply and demand. So if you have a business, you’re going to go get the best, the brightest. You can just do that. If you’re in the food industry, or hotel restaurant, you’re going to get the brightest, the best, the nicest looking, and so that’s what you do.

[00:16:24] And so you have to have a college degree. So it’s just a matter of supply and demand. So that’s why we offer these girls a way out through education. And we also have a program to help them for those that maybe not can’t do college or they don’t want to. So we have a skills based program as well to teach them, to enroll them into, different types of programs as well to help them.

[00:16:50] We’ve had a girl , well, she wanted to be a welder. We put her into welding school and, uh, we did that. They come into our house and, you know, when they first come, [00:17:00] they’re nervous, they’re scared.

[00:17:01] But, but in short order, they learned that we’re really the good guys. They get three meals a day. Let’s say she has a high school diploma. She has to have all her paperwork, if they have all your diploma and she has, brings all her paperwork and then we go and we enroll her in college of her choice.

[00:17:17] She gets to choose. What does she wanna do? A lot of ’em do tourism management? ’cause it’s a beautiful nation. Sure. I mean, the islands are just beautiful. So there’s lots of jobs in the tourism industry. A lot of’em do hotel restaurant management.

[00:17:31] They call it HRM and then some do business. And then girls will do education. We have a number of girls that have graduated as teachers. Can you imagine, we found them in a bar and now they’re in a classroom? So dignified, teaching elementary, teaching high school. And, set free.

[00:17:52] It’s so good. And so, we just put them through a program like that over four years. If they don’t have elementary, they have to get [00:18:00] elementary school. They can do a GED program in the Philippines. It’s called ALS. And they can get an ALS or GED for, their elementary and then for high school. And then, then we want to get them into college.

[00:18:13] All the time, in an atmosphere of the kingdom, everything is about Jesus with us. Everything’s Jesus. He’s our one and only that we love and desire. And we want them to encounter Jesus and, and get a college degree. Yeah. That’s our desire. We have a house right now.

[00:18:34] Yeah. I hate to be the negative Nancy here, but. Um, are there any girls that are not success for you? Like they’ll either go back or they won’t complete the program? Um, I know that’s a terrible question, but it’s a reality here. I understand you. It’s a very good question. Like how many make it through?

[00:18:58] Well, we’ve [00:19:00] had a lot of girls into our care and how many, we don’t even have a total, I don’t know, but we’ve had. A lot of girls. But we have, right now we have over 60 college graduates. And some might say I thought it’d be like thousands. And this is quite an endeavor, you know, to get a girl in.

[00:19:16] And if she has a high school degree, that means she has to stick it out with you for You asked the right question. Our first four girls, three of them graduated. I think of our first four. They’re still very dear to my heart. And one made it through, I think it was three years and she’s had one year left.

[00:19:37] However, she was in our care enough and everything changed and she found a man, who had a job. And so she’s happily married. She’s a stay at home mom and she has children and, whatnot. We always say if a girl is with us for one year, a high percentage of those will [00:20:00] stay with us.

[00:20:01] but If she doesn’t make it a year, it’s tough. And by the way, a girl may stay for one day and she’s gone the next day. It’s a very volatile, people group. It’s lots of abuse, lots going on. Just imagine the demonic forces that are in play when we bring these girls that I told you off the air.

[00:20:22] That battle that goes on is very real. But a lot of those girls , even though they’ve been with us for a short time, have somehow stayed out. They’ll do anything to stay out of the sex trade, but yes, some go back.

[00:20:36] And, uh, on a recent trip, I saw one of our girls, That was with us. She’d been with us for a just a few weeks, and she’s a dear girl, and she was ashamed, you know, she was just ashamed. We don’t ever shame them. We put our arms around them just like I would my own daughters. Diana. Yes. I just put my arms around them and I hold them and I say, it’s okay.[00:21:00][00:21:00] And oftentimes they’ll just, sink their head into my chest or my shoulder. And I just treat them as a father or as a Lolo or as a grandpa. And I just love them. Just love them. Yeah. Well, I appreciate you being honest about, The reality. It’s not all, rainbows and unicorns.

[00:21:18] You’re giving them a choice. You’re not forcing them to go through this program. And some people choose to go back to the life they came from. I think getting married and having kids that’s a success. Absolutely.

[00:21:33] Not everybody’s going to go to college, but you marry some good man and you have kids that, you love and you’re happy being a homemaker, that’s great. Absolutely. Yep. We agree. Now, I know that, you don’t do this for free and you need, to finance this mission. So how do you finance all this?

[00:21:56] You know what? It’s just amazing. I mean, we’re in [00:22:00] great need even right now as I speak. But the Lord through the 12 and a half years of doing this, Diana. He’s just been so faithful. In fact, it’s sitting right here. There’s a book. I don’t know if you can see, if it’s backwards when you’re looking at it, it might be backwards.

[00:22:14] No, I see it always enough. Okay. Yeah. I can see it. Yeah. But Heidi Baker wrote this book, Always Enough, and I read it and I underlined it. And let me tell There’s always been enough and God, has just provided for us just supernaturally. We don’t have any big, big, underwriters, we have no government funds, we’re non government.

[00:22:37] It’s all through people that just log on and they give money to us at WipeEveryTear. org. And they find us on Facebook or Instagram at Wipe Every Tear. But we are in need in order to expand, in order to get more girls. I was just in conversation with one of our missionaries and we’re saying, we’re trusting God. As we go into the bars right now with our missionaries, we have full time [00:23:00] missionaries from America there, we have Canadian missionaries, Peter and Ashanti Slocum, they’ll be launching here in just two weeks from Canada. Another set coming from America, anyway, so all I have to say is that we just need funds to do this, To get more girls out.

[00:23:18] So wipeeverytear. org and your money goes a long ways. Oh gosh. We can support a girl in college and feed her and take care of her for so little and it’ll radically change her life. So if anybody’s interested, and by the way, I do the crazy thing. So we gave the website whitefabricchair. org, but I give my phone number out.

[00:23:41] Like someone sees and says, I want to come. I want to bring our church. We want to come, or I want to come on a solo trip myself or whatever. But my phone number and people say, don’t do this. But I listen, I’m a risk taker. 208 866 1967. [00:24:00] That comes to my phone and I’ll pick it up and we’ll talk. And just about what God’s doing in your life and how maybe you want to partner with us.

[00:24:07] But Diana, thank you so much for asking because we do have need. Thank you so much, girl. You do. And, I hear that it’s 2 a meal. You hand out 250 meals a day. You feed them. Oh, that’s what Jesus did. He fed the hungry.

[00:24:23] Yes. We have a desire to go to 500 meals, 600 meals, a thousand meals. Imagine that, a thousand meals at 2 a meal. By the way, these are cooked meals put in boxes. And part of that 2 goes to hire a staff. Can you imagine cooking? We were cooking six meals a day. 7, sometimes 800 meals a day, with Church So Blessed.

[00:24:48] It’s a ministry there that we work with just hand in hand. And so we want to reimburse them. We want to help them, right? So they don’t get rich on it, but so the meal costs about a dollar 50 or whatever. And then the rest of [00:25:00] that goes into buying the plates and the spoon and wrap it up in little, Paper box. We go to the bars and we hand those out. Can you imagine a thousand meals a day?

[00:25:09] That’d be $2,000 a day, just boom. You would need $60,000 a month to do a thousand meals. Well, I’m believing that and a big God to do this. You do. He loves the broken and everyone deserves to eat. Diana. So if there’s anybody out there goes, we would love to help! Can I be a part of buying, seven meals a week and pay 7 or 14?

[00:25:33] Yes. How lovely that would be. Air market meals, you know? I wanted to ask you what do the churches feel about your ministry? Do you have churches that support you monthly We have a few in America, but not like you would think, Diana.

[00:25:52] What we do is not written in any missions budget With girls. Yeah. Go into a bar. That’s probably where they’re [00:26:00] like, what? Girls scantily clad?. You’re buying them drinks? Buy her a drink. Call her to your table. Talk to her about the hope of Jesus that lives in you.

[00:26:12] You know, so a lot of what we do is just not written in that manual, right? But, um, and so a lot of churches are like, Oh, you’re a little too much for us, I guess. I don’t know. But I mean, like what church would not want to be a part of this and setting girls free? But we do have some churches that are involved.

[00:26:32] And we would love that. In fact, I go to churches, I speak, I do missions conferences, I will speak for a weekend, I’ll do whatever. Travel and would love to be a part of going anywhere in the nation. You know, I’ll fly and we’ll have a great time talking about what God is doing. In the sex trafficking world.

[00:26:53] It’s so good. Boy, I could talk to you all night. I really [00:27:00] can, Kenny. Those of you that are just listening, audio, you can’t see Kenny’s face, this huge He’s got plastered all over his face. He just got the joy of Jesus and he is really excited about what he does for the Lord here. So, I definitely encourage everybody out there to, support Kenny.

[00:27:23] Maybe you got five bucks. Hey, do five bucks. You got a hundred bucks. I want to support Kenny and his ministry. Hey, you’re going to put some girls through college. I mean, where can a few bucks go so far? Right? But this makes me excited about Jesus and what God has called me to do, in my little corner of the world and you inspiring other people. You’ve been called by God to do this very specific thing.

[00:27:53] Because I’ve heard you say, well, God didn’t call me to go to Las Vegas or, Reno. God called me to go to the [00:28:00] Philippines. Well, hey, what has God called you listeners to do? Go out there and do it, right? Get out there and do something. My, my guest last week, God called her to go out and make little, lunches for the homeless.

[00:28:17] And she handed out 25, you know, sandwich and a fruit and a drink and she handed them out and that’s her ministry. Just like that. Love that. You don’t have to go to the Philippines, right? You can do something right in your own backyard.

[00:28:33] So that’s, that’s exactly right. And, I want to emphasize, Diana, thank you so much for that. That is that just. warms my heart that you care enough about us to let others know that we have a need. But for those who would like to go on a trip, we’ve had a number of churches where they will go or they’ll send a team to go and to vet us to see. Come vet us, see if we’re for real.

[00:28:57] And see what we’re doing and then they go back [00:29:00] and then they’ll send other teams to follow and then they encourage people in their church to support us. But whether you go on a, team like that, or we have open trips as well that you can just come by yourself. We have husband and wife teams come, and you can just come on one of our trips just come see this and you can make a difference.

[00:29:20] You can really make a difference. So to God be all the glory, Diana. Thank you so much for today. Thank you so much. Thank you again for coming on the show. It’s just been fantastic. I’m so stoked here. I don’t usually ask this, but would you please pray for our listeners out there for us?

[00:29:42] You know what? Just a few minutes ago, I just had that thought, and no one has asked me on a podcast to do that, but I love praying for those who will be watching right now. So right now, in the name of Jesus right now, anybody listening, and if you are hungry for God. For more of the [00:30:00] Lord, for more of God’s heart for the poor and the broken, why don’t you just take your hands right now and put it over your heart. So God I just pray over those right now listening, those who are watching right now, God that you would touch him holy spirit that you would come and you would you would Give them more of your heart, God.

[00:30:20] For the things that break your heart. Lord, that you would just prick their minds like, Gee, I’d like to go on a trip. I could really do this. And actually be involved and see these girls in the safe houses.

[00:30:34] Lord, just encourage them. And Holy Spirit, I ask that there would be greater intimacy of Jesus in Diana, and all those who are watching right now, God, and in me, Lord. Right now, I speak in the name of Yeshua, Jesus. By his great name. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much, Kenny. God bless [00:31:00] you. Thank you. So nice being with you and all your guests today.

[00:31:03] All of the information will be in the show notes for you. So, please check that out. Please, do whatever you can to support Kenny in his journey. Thank you for listening to the Wounds of the Faithful podcast. If this episode has been helpful to you, please hit the subscribe button and tell a friend. You can connect with us at DSWMinistries. org, where you’ll find our blog along with our Facebook, Twitter, and our YouTube channel links. Hope to see you next week!
